Friday, April 1, 2011

The lil' Orchid that could..I think I can..I think I can.....

Every Valentines Day (for the past two years) my husband has made it a tradition to buy me an Orchid. I find them to be such an amazing flower/plant. Not only because they are beautiful at first glance but because they are strong and resilient. Now let me tell you a story: The first Orchid plant that my husband bought me (which is the white one below) I had for almost 6 months before I nearly killed it. I know, I know..I feel terrible but I was never educated on how to care for it. I had been watering it like a regular plant without the knowledge that you are supposed to give an orchid plant only two ice cubes a week and let the plant drink them slowly as they melt. As you can guess, I felt horrible and couldn't bring myself to to throw it away. So for months it sat in the same spot by the window, looking sad, lonely, shriveled and droopy. All that was left of it was one shriveled, brown, crunchy leaf hanging on by a thread. However, I continued to feed it two ice cubes for weeks in hope for a miraculous recovery.  One sunny morning, I arose from bed to find that my little white orchid had sprouted a few new white petals. As the days passed, a new petal would pop up here and there and in what seemed like no time at all my lil' Orchid had grown from a sad,weepy,naked plant into a strong,happy,beautiful flower basking in the sun. I was so happy and was even more delighted when my husband brought home a new gorgeous pink orchid to keep my white orchid company. They are so happy together..which makes me happy:)  

where my two Orchid friends hang out

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