Monday, April 4, 2011

Swan Lake

Yesterday  was a lazy Sunday for me. I woke up rather late to find that my husband had gone to work and that it was just me alone for the day. Even though it was a beautiful, sunny day  I found myself to be in a bit of a slump. I had no motivation whatsover. I think I may still be a little sick because I'm just not feeling like myself. I would have been perfectly content just laying around on the couch all day napping, and that is really out of character for me, especially on one of the first gorgeous spring days we have seen in awhile here in New England. Although, I was not feeling the spring fever, there was a particular someone in my house who was. I will give you a hint. He's very furry, has four limbs and the cutest lil' smooshy face you'll ever see. Yup, you guessed it. My little doggie doo Oscar Charles. As I slugged around the house, he was bouncing around to every window he could , barking at every person that was walking by.  I just couldn''t resist seeing his little eager face practically begging me to take him for a walk, so he could join all of the other happy dogs that he had been barking out the window at. Soooo, I somehow I mustered up some motivation, grabbed his leash and off we went for a nice long walk. We had no destination, no where to be and no one to see. We just walked and walked aimlessly and although I may not have been feeling my best, I must admit it made me happy to see Lil' Oscar Charles playing with ducks, rolling in the sand,  and chasing waves at the beach. In that moment he was a happy boy and that was enough to make me smile:)

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