Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lett'n the Fro Go...

I have been trying to simplify my life lately. I've been making a conscious effort to not get stressed out about things I can't control and things that I can't change. In an attempt to turn over a new leaf l I have decided to tackle the smaller things that get me stressed out and eventually work up to the bigger issues.  This begins with my hair. I know. I know..this sounds very shallow and trivial but it really all starts with my hair. I have curly hair. Actually, its part curly, part wavy, part frizzy mess. For years I have spent endless amounts of time and money to try to hide my curls. I have spent hours in front of my mirror blow-drying and flat-ironing. I've spent more than I would like to admit on products that would promise to smooth and straighten, only to find out they didn't work the way I had hoped. I would avoid getting my flat-ironed hair wet at the beach or the pool..in fear that my secret would come out and my frizzy afro would reveal itself to the my friends and the world. It sounds so silly that a woman would go to such extents , just to hide a head full of curls. Whats even worse is that almost every woman with curly hair that I have spoke to has said the same thing to me "I HATE my curls"  When did it become such a horrible thing to have curly hair? Who said that in order to be beautiful a woman has to have long,shiny,silky straight hair? Whats wrong with embracing what you were born with and what makes you unique. If everyone looked the same the world would be a boring place.  So in order to be comfortable and happy with myself I have decided that I am not gonna fake it anymore. I don't have straight hair and never will. I'm gonna let my Fro' go and people are gonna have to love and accept me for who I am. Infact, I had my husband hide my flat iron, and for the past two weeks I have been living with my curls. It hasn't been easy but I'm getting used to it and each day I get a little more comfortable in my own skin, my real skin.  I must admit, it feels great:) 
Here is a link to a website dedicated to curly hair that I really enjoyed: http://www.naturallycurly.com/
Here is another one I enjoyed also :http://www.livecurlylivefree.com/home.htm

Below are a Few Lovely Ladies that Rock the Curls:

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