Friday, April 8, 2011

If This Song Doesn't Make You Happy I Don't Know What Will....

I LOVE this song. I CAN'T get enough of it as of late. It has Def been playing on repeat in my car. It makes me SO happy and reminds me of spring and the video is so cute. I especially like when the coffee mug has a frown :) Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I do!

Well, Its a Marvelous Night for a Moon Dance.....

Here are some photo's from a few weeks ago when we had our "Super Moon" on March 19th 2011. For anyone who doesn't know what a "Super Moon"is you can click on this link to learn more about it. The science geek inside of me thinks it pretty awesome!

My husband and I decided to get all bundled up in our warm clothes and go to the beach and try to take pics of this amazing HUGE moon. Anyways, it turns out that it is hard to take a picture of the moon at night..the pictures aren't that great but the experience was and we had a lot of fun! Something about sitting on the beach on a cold winters night under the glow of the moon is just so very romantic. There is nothing better.

Quote of the Day:

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”- Charles R. Swindoll

The Cure - Friday Im In Love (Live 2008)

             Its Friday and there is no better way to  celebrate than with an amazing song by one of my favorite bands: THE CURE!! Enjoy your weekend everyone :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

India.Arie - Video

Lett'n the Fro Go...

I have been trying to simplify my life lately. I've been making a conscious effort to not get stressed out about things I can't control and things that I can't change. In an attempt to turn over a new leaf l I have decided to tackle the smaller things that get me stressed out and eventually work up to the bigger issues.  This begins with my hair. I know. I know..this sounds very shallow and trivial but it really all starts with my hair. I have curly hair. Actually, its part curly, part wavy, part frizzy mess. For years I have spent endless amounts of time and money to try to hide my curls. I have spent hours in front of my mirror blow-drying and flat-ironing. I've spent more than I would like to admit on products that would promise to smooth and straighten, only to find out they didn't work the way I had hoped. I would avoid getting my flat-ironed hair wet at the beach or the fear that my secret would come out and my frizzy afro would reveal itself to the my friends and the world. It sounds so silly that a woman would go to such extents , just to hide a head full of curls. Whats even worse is that almost every woman with curly hair that I have spoke to has said the same thing to me "I HATE my curls"  When did it become such a horrible thing to have curly hair? Who said that in order to be beautiful a woman has to have long,shiny,silky straight hair? Whats wrong with embracing what you were born with and what makes you unique. If everyone looked the same the world would be a boring place.  So in order to be comfortable and happy with myself I have decided that I am not gonna fake it anymore. I don't have straight hair and never will. I'm gonna let my Fro' go and people are gonna have to love and accept me for who I am. Infact, I had my husband hide my flat iron, and for the past two weeks I have been living with my curls. It hasn't been easy but I'm getting used to it and each day I get a little more comfortable in my own skin, my real skin.  I must admit, it feels great:) 
Here is a link to a website dedicated to curly hair that I really enjoyed:
Here is another one I enjoyed also :

Below are a Few Lovely Ladies that Rock the Curls:

Monday, April 4, 2011

Quote of the Day:

 " Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."

Swan Lake

Yesterday  was a lazy Sunday for me. I woke up rather late to find that my husband had gone to work and that it was just me alone for the day. Even though it was a beautiful, sunny day  I found myself to be in a bit of a slump. I had no motivation whatsover. I think I may still be a little sick because I'm just not feeling like myself. I would have been perfectly content just laying around on the couch all day napping, and that is really out of character for me, especially on one of the first gorgeous spring days we have seen in awhile here in New England. Although, I was not feeling the spring fever, there was a particular someone in my house who was. I will give you a hint. He's very furry, has four limbs and the cutest lil' smooshy face you'll ever see. Yup, you guessed it. My little doggie doo Oscar Charles. As I slugged around the house, he was bouncing around to every window he could , barking at every person that was walking by.  I just couldn''t resist seeing his little eager face practically begging me to take him for a walk, so he could join all of the other happy dogs that he had been barking out the window at. Soooo, I somehow I mustered up some motivation, grabbed his leash and off we went for a nice long walk. We had no destination, no where to be and no one to see. We just walked and walked aimlessly and although I may not have been feeling my best, I must admit it made me happy to see Lil' Oscar Charles playing with ducks, rolling in the sand,  and chasing waves at the beach. In that moment he was a happy boy and that was enough to make me smile:)

The Weekly Fashion Maven


With her fearless and unique sense of style, her stunning platinum blonde locks, signature red lips and a one of a kind voice she is sure to leave a mark as one of the most original female artists in music history. This talented singer/songwriter/ designer first burst onto the music scene as the lead singer of a popular band called "No Doubt" in the early 90's. Although the band had been around for much longer they came into fame with their first big single called" Just a Girl". To this day I can still remember how that song and video influenced my life. I remember being in my early teens,seeing that video and being in awe of such a strong, beautiful rocker chick. I instantly cut my bangs like her, dyed my hair platinum and  tried to copy her clothing style. Big baggy pants and tiny little tank tops. Well, many years have passed though I still continue to watch her style and music evolve. She is never afraid to take risks with her fashion choices and that to me is admirable. She has now gone solo since her days with "No Doubt" and has had major success, although "No Doubt" will always have a special place in my heart and will continue to bring back fond memories of when I was a young hooligan. My little "skater girl" years:) Also,  Gwen Stefani is a successful fashion designer for her clothing line L.A.M.B??  You can check out the her clothing line at her website by clicking on the link I have provided for you below: