Thursday, March 31, 2011

These pictures were taken at a beach on Cape Cod. I have lived on Cape Cod for the last 4 years, however, we will be moving in two weeks into our new(first home) as a married couple. YAY! I will be sad to leave the Cape. We have created a lot of amazing memories and although I will miss the beautiful beaches and the quiet, peaceful winters, I am looking forward to moving on and what the future has in store for my husband and I

These pictures were taken at Dowses' Beach, In HyannisPort, MA. The Kennedy compound sits upon this beautiful beach and is one of my favorite beaches on Cape Cod. It is very small and peaceful. I also love the fact that you have view of the Kennedy Compound. There is so much history behind those walls. I would often  lay on the beach and think about all of the amazing historical people that may have been to that house and beach. People such as.. JFK ...JFK jr...Jackie O. I can just imagine the late Jackie O in her younger years sitting on the porch, looking fabulous and fashionable and classy as ever. Her Thick, brown hair blowing in the breeze and oversized black sunglasses shielding her eyes. She was  so beautiful and such a fashion icon. She had such a simple and classic look  but she left a huge footprint in the fashion world even to this day and even after her death. I hope she remains that way for years to come.

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